- Teacher: maka jorbenadze
- Teacher: თინათინ დავითაშვილი
- Teacher: გიორგი სტურუა
- Teacher: თენგიზ ვერულავა
Legal Aspects of Athletes' Performance
We welcome the opportunity to assist members of the military in pursuing their education via distance learning.
Service members are able to enroll and attend courses when it is convenient for them. Students can take courses at any time, from anywhere, and enroll and start their studies anytime.
The program is designed for veteran armed service members, who decide to continue their carrier as a sports team coach, as well inprofessional or non-professional sport. e.g. university clubs.
Program was established in TSU according to rectors decree of 29.02.2012 (#21/01-01)
- Teacher: Tamar Chachibaia