თემის მონახაზი

  • The overall aim of the course is introduce students to Health promotion theory and practice and explore conceptual frameworks of Health promotion

  • Lecture 1

     Introduction to Health Promotion. Concepts of Health. Preventive Medicine a Public Health. Foundation of Health promotion.  WHO and International Initiatives.


    David L.Katz, Joann G.Elmore, Dorothea M.G. Wild, Sean C.Lucan (2013).

    Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive medicine and Public Health Elsevier, UK. (171-196p).

    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.3-67).

    Maggie Davies & Wendy Macdowall (2008). Health Promotion Theory. Open

    University Press, UK.(p.7- 47)

    WHO Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. (1986) www.who.int

    Seminars: Class discussion

  • Lecture 2

    Methods of Primary prevention.

    The theory of Health Promotion. Principles of Secondary and Tertiary

    prevention. Literatures:

    David L.Katz, Joann G.Elmore, Dorothea M.G. Wild, Sean C.Lucan (2013).

    Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive medicine and Public Health Elsevier, UK.(p.196-2017; 227-238p)

    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.117-137).

    Seminars: Class Discussion

  • Lecture 3

    Theoretical framework of Health Promotion. Values and main principles of

    Health Promotion.


    David L.Katz, Joann G.Elmore, Dorothea M.G. Wild, Sean C.Lucan (2013). Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive medicine and Public Health Elsevier, UK.

    Seminars: Class Discussion 

  • Lecture 4

    Health Promotion Strategies.

    Inequality in healthcare social justice and health equality. Literatures:

    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p. 91-109)

    Milestones in health promotion: Statements from global conferences. 2009


    Seminars: Class Discussion 

  • Lecture 5

    Participation. Partnership.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p. 109-151_

    Seminars: Class discussion

  • Lecture 6

    Education, information, communication. Literatures:

    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China. (p. 151-177).

    Seminars: Class discussion, Individual Presentations.

  • Lecture 7

    Using Media in Health Promotion.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p185-205)

    Seminars: Class Discussion 

  • Lecture 8

    Developing Healthy Public Policy.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.171-185)

    Seminars: Class Discussions

  • Lecture 9

    Chronic Diseases Prevention. Prevention of Infectious diseases.


    David L.Katz, Joann G.Elmore, Dorothea M.G. Wild, Sean C.Lucan (2013). Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive medicine and Public Health Elsevier, UK.(p.227-238; p.238-252)

    Seminars: Class discussion

  • Lecture 10

    Implementing Health promotion. Assessing Health Needs.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.253-269)

    Seminars: Class discussion

  • Lecture 11

    Planning Health promotion intervention.



    Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion Developing

    Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.269-287).

    Seminars:Class Discussions

  • Lecture 12

    Evaluation of Health promotion.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China.(p.287-305)

    Seminars: Class Discussion

  • Lecture 13

    Health promotion in schools.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China. (p.205-215)

    Seminars: Class Discussion

  • Lecture 14

    Health promotion in the workplace.


    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2005). Public Health and Health Promotion

    Developing Practice. Bailliere Tindall, China (p.215-225).

    Seminars: Class Discussion

  • Lecture 15

    Health promotion: Social and Ethical Dilemmas of Government Policy. Course overview for final exam.


    Ronald Bayer, Lawrence O. Gostin, Bruce Jennings, Bonnie Steinbock (2007). Public Health Ethics: Theory, Policy and Practice. Oxford University Press. (105-117p).

    Jennie Naidoo, Jane Wills (2009). Foundations for Health Promotion

    Elsevier, UK

    Seminars: Class Discussions