General forums

Forum Description Discussions
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Learning forums

Week Forum Description Discussions
8 November - 14 November Social forum

You are welcome to discuss any social problems, such as traffic jams in the city, boring lectures, different means of entertainment etc. and share the opinions with each other. Remember, we value your opinion :)

15 November - 21 November By way of Introduction

Let's meet each other on the virtual space, introduce ourselves, speak about our expectations and wishes regarding the course.

22 November - 28 November How to reach success

The forum is inviting you to express your opinions about different ways to achieve success. According to he week's text there are 8 rules to success. Let's discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with it

29 November - 5 December Business is like riding a bicycle.

Let's discuss one of the famous business quatations: 'Business is riding a bicycle. Either you keep moving or you fall down'. Please, share your opinions with us...

13 December - 19 December An ideal job interview.

Let's have a discussion about an ideal job interview and job interviewer. Can you imagine how you would feel before, during or after a tiring and stressful interview. What type of an interviewer would you like to see in front of you? Could we share certain predictions about how to behave and ...

10 January - 16 January Online Business Course
Dear course-users, the Business course has come to the end and now let's discuss whether you met your expectations or needed something more to get from the course.We will be pleased if you share your ideas with us.